
Quiz Contest Organized During World Preterm Awareness Week

19 November' 22 | Happenings at Fernandez

As part of the World Prematurity Day, Fernandez Foundation conducted a Quiz Competition for Doctors and Nurses on 19th November, 2022 at Fernandez School of Nursing, Banjara Hills, to acknowledge the challenges faced during preterm births.

The quiz was open to Postgraduates, Fellows, Paediatricians, Obstetricians, Practitioners/Consultants, Nurses and Midwives. Separate preliminary rounds were conducted for the doctors and nurses, and over 30 doctors and 40 nurses from all Fernandez facilities participated in the preliminary quiz. A panel of senior doctors selected five teams each for the doctors and nurses, who participated in the final rounds. The winners were suitably rewarded.

The Quizmasters were Dr Venkateshwarlu, Dr Apoorva, Sr. Ankita and Sr. Beulah.


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